Jumat, 12 November 2010

Illuminating the Technology Powering LED Flashlights

Those little indicator lights on our devices sure have come a long way, haven’t they? At one time light emitting diodes weren’t good for much more than confirming that a device was, in fact, switched on, but now they seem to be everywhere: screens, name badges , Christmas lights —anywhere that the advantages of LED makes it a better choice than filament bulbs. And perhaps the best example of those wonderful diodes taking over old products is everyone’s favorite light saber stand-in, the flashlight.

LED tech has taken over much of the flashlight market, and it’s not hard to see why. Since LEDs offer high energy efficiency, durability, and long lifetime, they’re a natural fit for the battery-powered light getting bounced around in your backpack. But there are still other choices on the market besides LED, so let’s look at what makes this tech so special and examine the range of products available.

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